Category Archives: Me

Flashback Friday

I had this out to post during graduation but I forgot about it, so here I am back in ’91 getting my diploma from Bishop Howze. He was annoyed at us because the class asked him to keep the Homily short, so he just skipped it. Oh no, please don’t throw me in the briar patch!!!...

Beach Club Pool

All the families go home for supper, and we take advantage of the empty pool. Apparently, family pool pictures are hilarious!Christian taking advice about college with a glazed look in his eye…Jackson showing off his straight teeth…I even got in some pictures!

Flashback Friday

Flashing back 20 years here, and I know it’s 20 years because last week was our 20th anniversary!!! Who knew we were capable of doing anything for 20 years straight!? Happy Anniversary, baby. You are, by far, my most favorite husband ever!