Category Archives: Lulu

Saying Goodbye

Last month we lost our Lulu, and I haven’t quite been ready to share that. Honestly, I’m still not. It is never easy to lose a pet, but this time was different. We have loved all our dogs with our whole hearts, but Lulu was special. She was the best dog any of us had...

Christian’s Afternoons with Lulu

Most afternoons, Christian fishes our ponds, or looks for golf balls. Lulu gets so excited about going. Honestly, she really shouldn’t go too far, but I think she pushes herself past her limits for the chance. Maybe that’s a good thing. He usually takes her on a shorter walk, then leaves her with us while...

A Little Saturday Random

It’s been so long since I took these photos that I don’t remember the context, but if I had to guess, I always like the light that comes in the house during spring, guess I wanted to document that, oh and show you how dirty a mirror can get. I also must have been getting...