Category Archives: Josie

State of Emergency

We rode around this afternoon to see how much disarray this hurricane turned tropical storm Ida was causing. The water was a little high, and there was some rain, but so far so good.The real state of emergency is how adorable my niece is.Thank you Donna for the sweet picture of Miss Josie.

Finally, A Girl

While I can’t claim this adorable picture (my sister took it), that won’t stop me from showing it off. It’s not often I get to post something so sweet, pink, and girly! I haven’t seen Josie in awhile, and I can’t believe how much she has changed. No more newborn, moving right on into babyhood....

More Baby Love

I posted my favorites yesterday, but I forgot this one. I couldn’t explain what I wanted them to do for me, but luckily my Mom understands my incoherent ramblings and she took over here. I’m glad she did, because I love it. Josie is just so perfect! Okay, I’ll post all the black and whites...

Oh Baby!

We went to Hattiesburg today to visit Joey, Katie and Josie and took a few newborn pictures. This is my first time taking pictures of a little one this age with anything but a point and shoot. I’ve only had a chance to edit a few, and I can’t wait to do more. She was...

For Joey and Katie

If you have 8 minutes or so to spare, check it out. Make sure your volume is turned on. Thanks for letting me be a part of your big day, and I hope you both like it. I’ll bring it with me when I come. Love, Christi