Category Archives: Jackson

Jackson at Our Dog Park

Jackson and all his friends were hanging out in the driveway. Moxie wanted to come pet Fergie, but she doesn’t like that.And here is Jackson’s new truck. His was totaled recently through no fault of his own. Finding a replacement wasn’t easy, but he is loving the new ride!!!

Merry Christmas in March

I should be ashamed that it is March 7th and I am posting our Christmas Day pictures, but I’m not. I am unapologetic in my laziness. It knows no bounds!I did create all this Christmas magic, so I’m not all bad. I mean, Scott helped, too.Deebo getting that Christmas love…Merry Christmas from the Taylor crew!

Christmas Eve Dinner at Mom and Dad’s

I never remember to get my camera out during holidays, but I did this year, just for a bit. We were getting all the food out, and when I say we, I mean them…The boys came just in time to help.I mean, not with the food or anything.Pawpaw shows Jackson which reading to do before...