Category Archives: Hunting

Hunting Season

It’s that time again, and Jackson is choosing to go with the big boys more and more. He still opts to stay with me for more trips than he chooses to go, but eventually, hunting will win out. I understand, really I do, but I can’t promise when the time comes that I’ll be ready...

Warning: Dead Animals and Men Cooking

The boys went to Arkansas last week and all they brought back was these two pictures, some dead animals, and three loads of dirty clothes. Okay there were four pictures, but these are the gist of it. Christian thinks this sign is hilarious so snapped a couple shots of it. From what I heard, the...

If Hunting Offends You…

Too damn bad. Sometimes it offends me, and nobody cares much about that either. We’ll have to work through it together. Duck season is over, so I thought I’d better post some pictures of the killing spree. I didn’t take any of these pictures because girls aren’t allowed. I’m going to go ahead and speak...