Category Archives: Holiday

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

I know that today is actually St. Patrick’s Day, but let’s talk about Valentine’s Day. As a rule, I hate Valentine’s Day. I mean, it’s a stupid made up holiday that puts unnecessary pressure on people. I’ve always hated it while simultaneously worrying over it, but…..Sonic ice in the house!!! Best husband ev-ah!!!!! Happy stupid...

Christmas with the Taylors

We had Christmas with Scott’s side of the fam at Chad & Kristie’s new house in Vancleave on Christmas Eve Eve. It was beautiful. I can’t believe I only took these two pictures!!! There was so much good food, and a serious game of Dirty Santa. 

Decorating the Christmas Tree

The tree had been up for weeks half decorated waiting for the boys to both be home from school and available, not like they really cared, but it’s tradition. They were more interested in the hot cocoa and popcorn that followed.I love having these two together, especially over the holidays! The finished product…

Making Gumbo

For the last few years, I have made the gumbo for Christmas. I take the opportunity to fill my freezer. Scott and Christian were hunting, but Jackson helped me a little on the 4th batch. I’m teaching him my Momma’s ways. I know it’s a mess, but there is a method to my madness. And...