Category Archives: Holiday

Happy Valentines Day

I volunteered to make iced cookies for Jackson’s class for Valentines Day. I was thinking that I would run over to Anderson’s Bakery and grab some. It would be all easy peasy. Think again. Anderson’s is closed on Mondays, and I don’t know how to make iced cookies. Dammit! Okay, here’s where it gets better....

My Lack of Holiday Photos

I just realized that I never went back and looked through the Christmas pictures and posted some. Turns out that there was a reason for that… I didn’t take many. I’m pretty good about day to day, but holidays, I totally suck! If there are ample photo opportunities, I forget to get my camera out....

The Best Presents

There have been many presents, too much food, lots of family and tons of pictures over the last couple days. Unfortunately, I’ve been up since 5:55 and I’m too tired to share. Besides, I have to go lay in bed with two sleepy boys and search for fun free iPod apps to pass the time....