Category Archives: Holiday

Christian and Miya’s Gifts

Christian and Miya exchanged gifts Christmas night. They were so cute. This was Miya opening her bracelet. I think she liked it.I think Christian liked everything, too.My personal favorite is the T-shirt. And that wraps up our tropical Christmas. Until next year…

Christmas Morning

I remember when the boys used to wake up at 5:30 on Christmas morning because they were so excited. Those days are gone. They are excited, but it doesn’t warrant early rising. It didn’t help matters that Jackson was getting sick. Christian had to get him out of bed at 8:45. Honestly, that’s more my...

Christmas Eve

I have seriously GOT to figure out how to use this flash. It was dreary, humid and hot weather. It was about 2:00 and almost dark outside, and flash was my only option. I failed. I didn’t manage a single pic of Maw Maw or Paw Paw. I just had to document my Ole Miss fans.Oh, and...

Happy New Year

I can’t remember the last time we were in Mississippi for New Years. The boys wanted to stay and blow stuff up, so we did, and they did.Y’all know I love sprinklers!It was so dark that I had a hard time focusing. I know it’s a screw up, but it looks so cool. I’m going to...