Category Archives: Genoa

Thanksgiving in Sandestin

If you hurry up and wash the dishes after Thanksgiving and haul ass, you can be in Florida before dark. You know what you can do there? Same thing you do in Mississippi! There’s a lot of lounging.Deebo does like to zoom around the golf course,but mostly, just lounging.

Fall Break is a Wrap

Our last day was spent cooking, eating, watching football, and hanging out on the golf course. That’s pretty much every day down here.Normally, we’d play in the sand at the beach, but this day, we opted for sand traps.Deebo loves the wide open space.Brad is up there on the porch watching football, and although there...

Golfer Stalker

I grabbed the wrong lens, but honestly, I like feeling like I’m hiding in the woods and being their golf paparazzi behind our house!I’ve been spotted.I can tell Brad is talking or giving shit here, and that Wes and Christian are amused.Scott is just happy to be golfing!