Category Archives: Friends

And Then They Were Here

The last day of school is a 60% day. In high school, they have exams on that day, in middle school, it’s just a wasted morning, good for nothing, so Jackson and I snuck out of there early. I have to clean and stock the place, and that takes at least a day. After Christian finished...

Pool Time

It’s definitely warm enough to float around in the pool all day. We don’t want to disappoint! Christian does this weird twisty flip…Sometimes it doesn’t work out how he wants.Caroline came over.Summer is ON!

Random School Business

I didn’t take these pics, but I had to share. First, it’s Christian’s Aquaculture 2 class. He isn’t staying for Aquaculture 3, so this is it. He has mostly loved this class, and I know he will miss it. Butler is one of his favorites, and he has lots of friends in there. It is...

Spring Break – 11

Ok, this is the last of the surfing pictures from Spring Break… of course, summer starts in a couple weeks, so I should have more, ha!!! A few friends from home were staying in the area and came down to try surfing with Christian.Lauren got up a few times! Kate did, too, but I missed it.After...