What better way to celebrate than getting Deebo in the pool. He looks so at ease, and like he really loves it.Here is his cheering section!He’s holding on pretty tight.You’d think at some point, he’d ease up and get comfortable. You’d be wrong.
We were invited to Jackson’s Senior Recognition Ceremony, which meant our senior was getting an award! And while he did get awards, he was most proud of his IB sash.He worked really hard for that thing, so he should be.That boy loves him some Ms. Driggers!Big Con!!!!Jackson was also recognized for Mayor’s Youth Council. And...
Look at that boy go! Gotta get some love.This is his best engineering friend, Trevor. They are friends outside of the engineering department I’m sure.This is his favorite teacher, and another engineering friend.We took some family pics in the grove, because it’s one of the most special places on earth. Now, I guess it’s time to...