Category Archives: Friends

Celebrating Christian Part 1

I am aware that it’s January, and his 18th birthday was in November, but just ignore it, k? One of his presents was a leather jacket, and it took him almost a month to decide that it wasn’t for him. He looked so cute in it, tho!Caroline and Fergs were there to celebrate.Obligatory bow on...

Christian & Carolina

We needed a few senior casuals for the yearbook, and we got some, but mainly, I got pictures of these two together.They are super cute.Breaking out the homecoming pose.Jackson even joined in. Love these sweet kiddos!

Look Who Guards the Halloween Candy

Since Jackson is so grown up these days, he was in charge of handing out candy. It seems the first thing Jackson learned about being in charge is how to delegate. These two dressed up again, but since Christian didn’t technically have another costume, Caroline just unicorned him up. Fergie got in on that business as...

Trunk or Treat

Mermaid Man, Barnacle Boy, and a couple of Sponge Bobs gave out candy at Trunk or Treat at the High School for Halloween.Christian putting on tights was the highlight for me. He was like, “HOW????”I’m really glad to see he made it out of that shy stage…

Hell Yeah, Damn Right…

Christian has really been leaning towards going to Ole Miss next fall, so we thought we might want to go to a game this year so he could check it out before he makes his school visit. Allen was going to take them, but it fell through, so Colleen and I stepped in. Mr. Jimmy and...