Category Archives: Friends

Flashback Friday

Flashing back to 2005 and Christian’s beginnings of his educational career. Fast forward to his sophomore year at Ole Miss with his roommates the week of Rush. This one is on Bid Day. I had to take it from Facebook because this kid rarely sends me pictures. Where’s Waldo? Hint, he looks like a 70’s cop,...

Homecoming 2019 Group Photos

While we waited for everyone to get there, I got a few shots of Andrew and Jackson. These two have been friends since they were 7. Normally, they would be heading to a fancy dinner right about now, but this group opted to take pictures during that time. They chose a fancy dinner at Waffle House...

Text Me Pictures on Game Day

I always ask Christian to send me pictures on game days, but he hasn’t been too good with that. His phone is full, so I get Snapchats. I’m horrible at Snapchat. He finally sent me one picture from the grove last weekend, and with Drew Jones! We sent one of us right back. Gotta love...

Flashback Friday

Since Christian has gone back to school, and he only sends me pictures on SnapChat, I’m flashing back to July of 2006, and some T-Hounds! These little boys are grown up now, and all over 6 feet tall. We still get to see Jordan and Dominique occasionally, but it’s not like back in the day...