Category Archives: Friends

Livin’ Her Best Life

After a visit to the vet, we found out that Fergie has heart disease. We also found out that by 10, more than 50% of cavaliers have this. She will be 11 in February, so here we are. We started medication, and she seems to be responding to it. She gets off her chair sometimes,...

A Low-Key Halloween

This is probably the first year since we lived in Graveline that we didn’t have the Halloween Bash. Since my kids were too old for the costumes and activities, I was hoping to pass it along to the Mommas with the younger kids so that they would make it fun for the littles again. Unfortunately,...

At the Stadium With My Peeps

We met Mr. Jimmy & Ms. Cindy at the stadium, and I had to get a few pics of the crew before we headed in.Tony the Landshark even got in one with us!That is the student section starting to fill up. Can you find Christian. I did, in like 3 seconds. The powder blue shirt...

Got Tickets, Headed to the Grove!

Mr. Jimmy & Mrs. Cindy gave us their tickets for the A&M game. We met Christian and Caroline, and introduced Scott and Jackson to their first pre-game in the grove.I didn’t take this last picture, Ole Miss had it on Instagram. We are in the top right quadrant somewhere. I can’t find us, but I...

Fall Break

Adrian came with us for Fall Break this year. There was a lot of Football, movies, family, baby love, cooking, eating, golf, pool time, Baytowne visits, golf cart rides, and my personal favorite, beach time!