Category Archives: Friends

Mardi Gras Dog Parade

This year, Sandestin combined the dog parade and the golf cart parade. There hadn’t been enough participation in the past couple years to warrant two. Colleen brought Kingston for the festivities. I’m not sure why, but we are obsessed with the dog parade. I seriously fall in love with almost every dog I see, and...


They spent almost every minute together for the few weeks before this picture was taken, so when Jackson went back to school after the Christmas holidays, he was missed by more than just Scott and me. I love it when we are all home!

Christmas with the Taylors

We had Christmas with Scott’s side of the fam at Chad & Kristie’s new house in Vancleave on Christmas Eve Eve. It was beautiful. I can’t believe I only took these two pictures!!! There was so much good food, and a serious game of Dirty Santa. 

Polar Express Stop 3

Our neighbors kids had a Polar Express birthday party and we were one of the stops. We handed out treat bags with train whistles, jingle bell necklaces and suckers maybe? It’s been so long I can’t remember the third thing. Scott and Christian had just made it home from hunting, so I enlisted all these weirdos...