Category Archives: Friends

Happy Halloween

Graveline Pointe is no longer the place to be for Halloween since most of the littles are all grown up. It didn’t stop me from making the dogs wear their ringle collars and hang out with us out front to hand out candy. Shelby came over and we made a fire on a stump and...

Day 2 With Deebo

I feel like I should warn you, if you don’t want to see puppy pictures, you might not want to visit Peepadeedle for say, the next six months.Hang on, can you take Fergie with you? She is so unimpressed.We are all in love. Tired. But in love.It’s like having a newborn without the aid of...

Island Trip

Jackson and I weren’t back from Florida yet, but Scott took Christian and some friends to the islands. They met up with Chad and his crew. I don’t remember all the specifics, but I did get this photo. What’s better than floating around at the islands all day? I can’t think of a thing.