Category Archives: Friends

Where All Homecomings Lead

These two picked Waffle House for their “Faux-coming” dinner, and I just love that about them. I couldn’t decide color or black and white, so I did both. They even let us come in and get a few snaps inside. Reason 1,987 to love the Waffle House.


This year, because of Covid, Ocean Springs didn’t have a Homecoming dance. I mentioned to Jackson and Shelby that they should get sorta dressed up, I mean, not semi-formal like they usually would, but more than usual, and take some pics, maybe go to dinner. Imagine my surprise when they were into it. I was talking...

Sit With the Stump

So, we had to cut down a tree not too long ago and we didn’t get them to grind down the stump. Instead, we decided we’d just burn it until it goes away. Basically, we made it into a fire pit, in our front yard by the driveway, and I love it! We pull our...