Category Archives: Football

It’s My Party

When I asked Christian what kind of birthday party he wanted to have this year, he said he wanted all his friends to come over and play football, so that’s just what we did. I figured I’d better get our standard birthday “bouncy-bounce,” just in case the football game got boring. They had a blast....

Fall Ball is Almost Over

We have one last game this week and Christian will be done for the year. We are kind of sad, but kind of happy. Jackson has been sick, so he hasn’t been his big brother’s cheering section for the last two games. Fall ball is fun and all, but it just doesn’t feel right watching...

A Few More from Yesterday

These goofy boys play football everyday. On the days there are no neighborhood kids around for a game, they make us play. Christian insisted I take a zillion pictures trying to get one with the ball mid-air. Here you go, son. Wasn’t quite worth it, now was it? And, looky here. Jackson gets the same...