Category Archives: Football

Before It Got TOO Cold

The boys could play football in the afternoon. Jackson is all up in the mix these days. He throws a perfect spiral, or so he says.Christian, as always, is quite the receiver.Jackson is on his way, well, if he’d open his eyes.I don’t think he ever stops smiling either.See what I mean?Well, except when it’s...


We’ve declared a holiday over here in honor of the BCS Championship. This is how the boys started out watching the football game, all nervous and excited pulling for Alabama. I am pulling for Texas because Roll Tide just won’t come out of my mouth for some reason.After halftime, things looked more like this. Short...

Reason #234 to Love Christian

As soon as Christian finishes his homework, he’s ready to go outside. Some of the time there are friends to play with, if not, he tries to recruit us. I had to get a few football pictures. I NEVER get pictures of that, lol. The good thing about being recruited, besides being able to hang...

Hotty Toddy

The Rebels had a good day!! We went over to some friend’s house to watch the Cotton Bowl and it was AWESOME!!! We beat #7 ranked Texas Tech 47 to 34. Christian’s favorite part was at the end when they held up a sign just like this one. He started to write this one out,...