Category Archives: Football

More Practice

Christian had another practice Friday that Scott couldn’t make. Since I had such a bad seat last time, I made sure I was close enough to see what all was happening and take pictures so I could report back. So, basically that’s what happened.

Football Practice

Tonight I took Christian to football practice. Usually Scott has that honor, but it was my job tonight. The only benches were on the far side and there was another team practicing between us, so I only got a few pictures of them when they were taking a break. I’ll learn to take my ratty...

That Time of Year

Well, there’s a feeling in the air Just like a Friday afternoon. Yeah, you can go there if you want Though it fades too soon.I love that song, and I love football season. I mean, I really, really love football season. I didn’t always feel this way, in fact I can remember being a happy...

Who Dat Baby!!!!

I’m not sure if this was before or after we all ran outside screaming WHO DAT!!!! while these little freaks ran all over the front yard, but it doesn’t matter. Best football game ever… seriously, EV-AH! It’s a good day to be a part of the Who Dat Nation. Peace out!

Who Dat?

This is just a random picture I took accidentally during the game, but I decided to use it anyway. Jack Jack, Paw Paw and I watched the Saints beat the Cardinals yesterday, which was AWESOME. It was the first time in awhile that we’ve been proud to sport a Bush jersey. He’s back and he’s...