Category Archives: Football

George County Game

Stretch it out, baby! Ocean Springs played George County in George County last week, and the Hounds were ready.Christian didn’t return any kickoffs this time, but he did great.We won 22 to 8!The cheerleaders had something to cheer about!On the way home, I spotted something that didn’t seem right. They are building an Edd’s in...


Last Thursday, Ocean Springs Middle School played Picayune Middle School, in PICAYUNE! Do you know how far away that is? It’s an hour and a half, and in the middle of nowhere, no offense Picayune people. They are really good, but so are we, so I guess it was a good match.Christian returned another kickoff.This...

Game Day

Isaac put a damper on Christian’s first game, as in cancelled, so his second game became his first this week in Moss Point.Sometime in the first half he went in as wide receiver. He must have been looking back at the coach, but I swear, it looked like he was looking right at me. I...

Meet the Team

Last night was meet the team, which was basically a pep rally, and then the introduction of all the players, and not just football. I have now met both football teams, cross country, volleyball, dance team, cheerleaders, and possibly the basket weaving team, but I’m not sure. My main concern was the 7th grade football...

2nd Place

The Saints, the 11-12 year old version, had their last game of the season Wednesday night at the stadium. We were tied with the Ravens for 1st place, so whoever won last night won it all. Well, everyone got the same trophy, but I guess there were some bragging rights involved. Unfortunately, our boys won’t...