Category Archives: Flash

Flash Torture

Every once in awhile I remember that I have a flash, and I barely know how to use it. Before the thought fades, I run go get the stupid thing and find someone to practice on/torture, no matter what they are doing. Jackson is annoyed, but willing to pacify me if only for a moment....

Who Dat?

This is just a random picture I took accidentally during the game, but I decided to use it anyway. Jack Jack, Paw Paw and I watched the Saints beat the Cardinals yesterday, which was AWESOME. It was the first time in awhile that we’ve been proud to sport a Bush jersey. He’s back and he’s...

Just a Little More Christmas

I knew these pictures were somewhere around here. Christian’s big gift from Santa this year was an electric guitar. He started lessons last week and so far so good. I don’t know if he is honestly excited about learning to play the guitar, or just thinks guitars are cool and having one means he’s cool,...

DSi Heaven

I think the only way for me to get through Christmas pictures is a few at a time, so it looks like I’ll be posting snapshots from Christmas all through January. The fun never ends. These are my lame attempts with flash, and I totally suck at it. The good part is that you can...