Category Archives: Fergie

Happy Halloween

Graveline Pointe is no longer the place to be for Halloween since most of the littles are all grown up. It didn’t stop me from making the dogs wear their ringle collars and hang out with us out front to hand out candy. Shelby came over and we made a fire on a stump and...

How I Know It’s Fall

As the sun gets lower in the sky and the days get a little shorter and cooler, sunlight shines into the living room in the afternoons. There are always spots of light where our dogs love to lay. Technically, this could be a Flashback Friday on a Monday because these two pictures are from 2012...


Normally, Scott is in charge of most of the dog activities. We may do a few walks, and all the nighttime stuff, but running around our yard, that’s on him. When he isn’t here, the dogs still expect their zoom time. I know I’m not as fun, but I did my best.