Category Archives: Fergie


We’ve declared a holiday over here in honor of the BCS Championship. This is how the boys started out watching the football game, all nervous and excited pulling for Alabama. I am pulling for Texas because Roll Tide just won’t come out of my mouth for some reason.After halftime, things looked more like this. Short...

Waiting Patiently

Why does this remind me of Christian and Jackson? Oh, you want some alone time, a little time to rest? Well, I’ll just sit right here beside you and wait for you to wake up. Don’t worry. I won’t bother you. I’ll just be right here waiting patiently. Love you.

The Best Thing About a Fall Break

The best thing about all this time off is we have a little time to hang out and relax before the holiday rush begins. So, we are at the beach and taking a load off, Lulu and Fergie included. Fergie is just a little more in your face about it.

Got Her Hair Did

Fergie went to the  beauty parlor for the first time today. I warned them that she was terrified of the blow dryer and they promised to take it slow, lol. They tidied up her snow shoes and put some bows on her ears, which luckily didn’t last long. She was a hit, and everyone loved...