Category Archives: Fergie

We Need a Bigger Couch

One of our smoke alarms started chirping yesterday. Lulu hates her some chirping smoke alarms. She literally loses her mind. She was so scared she hopped up in my lap as close as she could get and snuggled in. Scott had to get a picture.

Jackson’s Puppy

Jackson used to sleep with puppy every night. He still does sometimes, but he isn’t that attached. I think he decided Fergie needed puppy more than he did. Fergie wasn’t so sure but she is giving him a shot.

Lazy Sunday Morning

This is usually the first thing I see when I come downstairs on Sunday mornings. I realize I just admitted that I’m the only lazy one that sleeps late on the weekends around here. I’m not ashamed. These freaks get up around 7. Fergie doesn’t want to miss a minute of it.

Just a Little More Christmas

I knew these pictures were somewhere around here. Christian’s big gift from Santa this year was an electric guitar. He started lessons last week and so far so good. I don’t know if he is honestly excited about learning to play the guitar, or just thinks guitars are cool and having one means he’s cool,...