Category Archives: Family

Yard of the Month

One of the many things the boys love to do over at MawMaw & PawPaw’s house is walk around and look at their flowers, Christian more than Jackson. He wants to know names of plants, if they were raised by seed and why we don’t have them in our yard. Christian was quick to point...

My Mom Made Me Go Bowling

Every day, for the five days the kids were out of school, I suggested we go bowling. Four days they found something better to do, but on the fifth day, they finally gave in. I wanted to do something we could all do and enjoy. Doesn’t everyone love bowling? Aren’t all kids over the moon...

Mardi Gras Goula Style

I love going home for the Mardi Gras parade. It’s not like we are far away or anything, but I still manage to see people I haven’t seen in 15 years. Susan was in town and invited us over to her Aunt’s tent in front of the old high school. They had food, drinks and...

The River’s Roost

With a new baby on the way, and constant begging from the rest of the family, Joey and Katie started a blog!!! Hope y’all don’t mind that I totally stole a picture of it so I could share it with the other four people who read my babbling. So, all four of y’all, go check...

Gone Fishin’

Catching bait is a family affair. You know, I do believe Scott might need some new jeans. Everybody has to inspect the catch. I don’t think this is really what we had in mind when we started talking about fishing. He looks all sweet, but he’s not above bustin’ a cap in some fish’s ass…...