Category Archives: Family

Busy, Busy, Busy

It’s been our mission for the last 24 hours to keep busy, and we have most definitely done that. There has been golf camp, swimming with friends, fort building, present buying, Walmart shopping, pool bathing, soccer playing, pier fishing, cake making, laundry washing, neighborhood playing, pancake making, bike riding, plant watering, Cops watching, and picture...

My First Baby

I’ve talked about my first baby before right here, and today, I’m going to talk about him again. Today is the first day my kids know a world without Ollie in it, and I can’t even begin to tell you how sad that makes me. I brought this little fur ball home, despite protests from...


Okay, so not a complete surprise, but in the dark about all the details, right??? Glenn was so proud he pulled it off, even though he really didn’t. This is my sister’s 50th birthday party, pulled together by all her great friends and her husband.She was forced to wear funny hats and drink bloody marys....