Category Archives: Family

A Very Happy Easter

The first thing that happened after we got home and started getting ready for Easter was a visit from what I can only assume is the Easter Bunny himself. We accidentally trapped him for an indefinite number of days without food and water and had to nurse him back to health, which we did. It...

If Hunting Offends You…

Too damn bad. Sometimes it offends me, and nobody cares much about that either. We’ll have to work through it together. Duck season is over, so I thought I’d better post some pictures of the killing spree. I didn’t take any of these pictures because girls aren’t allowed. I’m going to go ahead and speak...


We’ve declared a holiday over here in honor of the BCS Championship. This is how the boys started out watching the football game, all nervous and excited pulling for Alabama. I am pulling for Texas because Roll Tide just won’t come out of my mouth for some reason.After halftime, things looked more like this. Short...

Awaiting a Movement

For Christmas, Emmy Kate got a doll. It wasn’t just any doll. It talked, it opened it’s eyes, it ate, it drank, it wet it’s diaper, and get this… it pooed. This thing came with tons of diapers and some food grade yuckiness to feed the little monster that magically turned into poo. I vaguely...