Category Archives: Family

Day 7

No pictures of the sick kidlets today, but we are passing the time with some interesting activities. I thought Jackson was going to lose it trying to put the puzzle together, but he made it through with a little distracting from Daddy. After watching the first four episodes of season one, we are all, well,...

We Need a Bigger Couch

One of our smoke alarms started chirping yesterday. Lulu hates her some chirping smoke alarms. She literally loses her mind. She was so scared she hopped up in my lap as close as she could get and snuggled in. Scott had to get a picture.

Warning: Dead Animals and Men Cooking

The boys went to Arkansas last week and all they brought back was these two pictures, some dead animals, and three loads of dirty clothes. Okay there were four pictures, but these are the gist of it. Christian thinks this sign is hilarious so snapped a couple shots of it. From what I heard, the...

October Clean Sweep

It’s that time again… some of the pictures that never got blogged! Bayside in Destin, the front yard… not really sure what was happening there to cause that face.My kids lashes,a sleepy Fergie,our fishing day,the cutest kitty cat in the world,minus the kitty cat part,a goofy face for my goofy boy,and some more lovely shots...

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Daddy, Happy Birthday to you!My poor Daddy has to have his birthday the day before our Halloween party, which unfortunately means I don’t have any time to dig up some embarrassing pictures of him to share. Wait… did he plan that?