I should have taken photos of the crazy amounts of good food we had, but I did manage the Dulce de Leche cake he requested as his birthday cake. It was Egg Bowl day, and the Saints played, so we represented!I love this!Then we took tons of group shots. Told you there were a lot....
Flashing back a couple times here, once to the Honey Pot Kindergarten sitting in Santa’s lap with my corrective shoes and bell bottoms. I swear I still have some shoes like that, and pants, too! Next, I am a few years older with Momma and Daddy in front of a real Christmas tree that I...
Flashing back what I can only assume is about three quarters of a century, because this is my Daddy, and today is his 78th birthday! He seriously looks exactly the same, but he doesn’t dress like this anymore. Oh, and he’s bigger and has facial hair. Happy birthday, Daddy. We love you so much!!!
Mammaw turned 80 this month and they had a family surprise party for her. I wish I had a picture of her coming in, because she really was surprised. When she focused in on her sister Glenda, and realized she had made the drive down, she was downright shocked!Happy birthday, Mammaw! We love you!