Category Archives: Family

Paw Paw’s Projects

Check out my Daddy’s handy work! How awesome is that arbor and swing? In the words of Miley Cyrus, and my little sister… That’s purty cool!!! We’ll be hiring out his services to the highest bidder, but I get dibs! Truth be told, I’m pretty sure Mom has more projects lined up.

Happy Birthday Emmy Cake

We went to Emmy’s Birthday party today and the boys had a blast. It was at the park behind some baseball fields, which is the best of both world for these kids. Emily is 6 now, and she looked adorable.Her dress even matched the decorations and the cake. Who knew girls could be so fun???...

Blue Angels

We made it to the Air Show Sunday. It was a miracle, but we did. We had just eaten, and weren’t there 5 minutes before the kids found something they had to have. I ended up with one, too, and it was good, but still… 5 minutes? Really? Emmy Cake was the only one that...

Homework Helper

I usually help the boys with homework, and while I am helpful, I am not a teacher. I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again, if home-schooling was our only option, my boys would be screwed. I’m patient, but my patience wears thin sometimes. If I had to think of the most patient person...

My Lack of Holiday Photos

I just realized that I never went back and looked through the Christmas pictures and posted some. Turns out that there was a reason for that… I didn’t take many. I’m pretty good about day to day, but holidays, I totally suck! If there are ample photo opportunities, I forget to get my camera out....