Category Archives: Family

Fat Tuesday 2016

Golf cart parade time!!! It’s also time to act as weird as possible.Colleen came!Wes was there, but Lindsay had a hair appointment that ran late. Ugh, pictures of me give me heartburn!Jackson looked hot in Colleen’s head wrap thingy.I love this picture of Scott and Jackson! Sooooo sweet.Happy Mardi Gras from the Taylor fam!And, then it...

Christmas Eve

I have seriously GOT to figure out how to use this flash. It was dreary, humid and hot weather. It was about 2:00 and almost dark outside, and flash was my only option. I failed. I didn’t manage a single pic of Maw Maw or Paw Paw. I just had to document my Ole Miss fans.Oh, and...

Christmas Eve Eve at Mammaws

We just got home from Mammaw’s Christmas. We were a little late getting there, and I forgot to make the desert, but a quick stop at Rouses caused and fixed that right up. There is truly never a dull moment. Lynda was surrounded by her kids, so you know it was crazy!The Grandkids aren’t any...

Christmas with Daddy Dan & Nana

We went to Ellisville yesterday for an early holiday celebration. As usual, I brought the camera for an after dinner picture on the front porch. Everyone was giving Tina a hard time for bossing them around and putting people in their spot, but I was grateful. Wrangling this crew into position is a job, and Tina is...