Category Archives: Family

Flashback Friday

Today would have been my Dad’s 73rd birthday, so I’m going to flash back to him. Wasn’t he a cutie?? I’m not sure why I chose the next picture. The playful look on his face was so him, but the velour shirt, porn-stache and Tooler, the ridiculous poodle, I just can’t handle it all. So, happy birthday...

Happy Birthday, MamMaw

We had MamMaw’s 75th birthday party over here this weekend, and it was so fun! Everybody brought good food, we had the Rebels playing on the TV, and a lot of family and friends. MamMaw also had some special help blowing out her candles. Can’t get much better than that.

One Last Goodbye

Just as we are about to go, Wes got to come home. So, we managed one more afternoon on the golf course throwing the frisbee, goofing off, and then eating dinner.There’s a lot of love here!Looks like Scott has dinner ready. We better go eat!