Category Archives: Deebo

What Will We Do When He Doesn’t Fit

I know that when Lulu was a puppy, we let her on the couch with us, hell, we pulled a mattress down in front of the fireplace for her to lay with the kids when they were sick. When she got older, she only got on the couch when she was really scared, like a...

Almost Done Puppying

This first might be my new favorite picture of Deebo. He is getting so big so fast, that I feel puppyhood fading. Better take more pictures.

We’ll Call This Acceptance

Deebo bugs the ever-lovin’ shit out of Fergie. Occasionally I will look over and he will be trying to sit on her head and she is side-eyeing me like, seriously?!?!? But then, she will instigate playing with him, even though she knows that there are gonna be some hard times. She wins some, too. Fergie...

Fall Break is a Wrap

Our last day was spent cooking, eating, watching football, and hanging out on the golf course. That’s pretty much every day down here.Normally, we’d play in the sand at the beach, but this day, we opted for sand traps.Deebo loves the wide open space.Brad is up there on the porch watching football, and although there...

Deebo’s First Visit to Sandestin

Jackson had a day off for Fall Break, so we used the long weekend to go to Sandestin. Brad was about to get on a boat and we wanted to make sure we saw him before he left. We also needed to introduce Deebo to the golf course and terrorize Wyatt just a little.I think...