Category Archives: Christian

Pokémon Hunting

The boys and I drove over to Biloxi to hang out, eat, and yes, hunt for some Pokémon. I couldn’t care less about Pokémon, but I’ll take any excuse to hang out with my weirdos. They also let me bring my camera. Apparently there are Poké stops by the lighthouse. Scott said he heard it was off limits,...

Flashback Friday

Just for a quick break in the underwater photos, I thought I’d share this gem. Riley & Riley took this photo back in the day. They were downsizing and cleaning out of all their old discs, prints and negatives this summer, so Donna picked them up for us. This is one of the last and only professional pictures...

7th and 11th

The boys had their first day of school on August 4th. It’s Jackson’s first day at the Middle School. He wasn’t worried at all. He did have sleepy eyes.Christian looks so grumpy! Early mornings will do that to ya!Oh look, it’s the over the shoulder backpack shot. Yeah, they still got it!Christian heads out to...

My Only Trip to the Islands This Summer

Being out of town all summer means that we haven’t been to the islands! We fixed that the weekend before school started. Our neighbors were heading to Horn, so we met them out there. These boys have been friends most of their lives. We got to hear lots of stories about things that they did...