Category Archives: Christian

Christmas at Mammaw’s

We had Christmas over at Mammaw’s yesterday. The food was crazy good. Mammaw’s babies are all grown up. Even if they don’t act like it! Ha!The grand-babies are pretty grown-up, too. Luckily, there is a round of great’s with Anna & Hope having babies of their own.I brought the wrong lens and couldn’t get everyone in...

School Pictures Christian-11th grade

I got Christian’s school pictures last week. Aren’t they cute?? He did re-takes so they took a little longer. When they came in, I realized that I never got Jackson’s so I’ll begin the hunt to track those down tomorrow. I hope they are as good as Christian’s. 11th grade documented.

Continuing His Birthday

Ok, sorry about that. We were on Thanksgiving Break, and I took the word break literally. Now where was I??? Oh yeah, he turned 17! We went to dinner. He chose sushi at Chef Scott’s. I’m not a big sushi fan, but it was really good! We came home to cookie cake and ice cream. So,...