We made a stop at the Beach Club Pool, and I just happened to have my Aquatech with me. I was dying to use it!
Why is this so funny to me? Jackson was showing Christian something floating in the sky, and apparently they needed each other for balance. Then, this happened…and I had a flashback to this….And I wanted to cry. Then, Christian picked him up and carried him into the sunset. Well, something like that.
You know what the sunset spot is good for?Silhouettes!!!It starts with my boys, doin’ what they do. Christian dances, Jackson on his phone and laughing at Christian.We made Caroline join in!I think she’s getting used to us!Seems like silhouettes should be all sweet moments, or something beautiful with an inspirational quote below it. Well, our...
We went over to the sunset spot, and the first thing Christian did was try to climb a palm tree bare-footed. He spent the next 30 minutes cutting huge splinters out of his feet. Jackson and Caroline showed off their sunburns.Christian practiced his flips.The sunset spot is always a great place for pictures!