Category Archives: Christian

8th and 12th

I can’t believe summer is already over and it’s the first day of school. I also can’t believe that they started them on a Friday. I can’t believe that it is honestly raining this hard and Jackson can’t even wear his new school shoes. I can’t believe that I still don’t know how to use...

Back Home

The first thing we do after unpacking a summers worth of crap is jump in the pool. The best part about this pool is we don’t share it with strangers!!! That means no one looks at me funny when I drag my big blue water housing into the water. Now, if it would only stop raining long...

Our Last Day

My last few days in Sandestin were spent preparing our house to go on the market and getting all our summer crap out of it. But, the second to last day, after Christian got off work, we went to the beach. It was just us two because Scott and Jackson had already headed west. Christian still had...

Sunset Spot Laaaaast One

So, this was our last visit to the sunset spot for the summer. Jackson looks like he is done with this place.Maybe Christian can cheer him up!Mawmaw & PawPaw may be watching the sunset, but the boys could care less. We sometimes take all this for granted. While all that prettiness was happening,a storm was...