Category Archives: Christian

Christmas Eve

Yeah, that’s right, we are just getting around to Christmas time.  These two kicked it off opening presents. I don’t remember the gifts, just how cute they were opening them.

Taylor Family Snowball War

After Christmas dinner, everyone headed out to the snow. It started out as snowman building, but it quickly turned into a snowball fight. We had so much fun!I think this will definitely go down in the books as one of my most favorite Christmas memories ever!

Christmas at Mamma Dan’s

It snowed in Mississippi on December 8th. On the coast, it wasn’t quite cold enough to stick, but further north, it was serious. Even after a couple day thaw, there was still snow on the ground in places. It was a perfect for an early Christmas celebration in Ellisville. We were barely out of the car...

Let the Torture Begin

See that excitement on Jackson’s face? No? Well, that’s because it’s pure dread, and that is how they feel about our Christmas card picture taking fiascos every year. If I’m being completely honest, so do I. It’s really a shame, too, because they look so nice when they dress up in somewhat coordinating clothes. Don’t be surprised if there...