Category Archives: Christian

Mother’s Day Crawfish Boil

Scott boiled crawfish on his own for the first time for my Mother’s Day, and lemme tell ya, they were GOOD! The boys, although distracted, stuck around all day.Lulu did, too. I’ll pretend that it was for me, and not for the crawfish.Can’t get any better than that!

Farewell, Zappos

Zappos made the transition to an outside bird. She got the use back of her legs, started flying and eating on her own. Christian showed her how.She made some friends, but stuck around for a little while. Just before we were about to leave for the summer, she flew away. Perfect timing.I was ready for...

Rainbow Induced Silhouettes

I was so concerned with that rainbow, that I didn’t notice the sunset taking place in the other direction. I wanted silhouettes including rainbows, but Scott kept saying, “That’s where you should be taking pictures.” So, I did. He was right. I love these pictures. I’ll never doubt his location scouting skills, and he’ll never...

The Rainbow Connection

I was sitting at my computer one dark, rainy, weekend day when I noticed the light outside changing. It was still sprinkling, but there was sun somewhere. I couldn’t see it, but I knew it was there, and if that was the case, well…. I yelled, “Rainbow!” I grabbed my camera and went running. Scott followed...

Christian and Miya and Flowers

This is going to be it for my flower pictures. I went out of town for five days and they fully bloomed while I was gone. By the time I made it back, they were turning brown and not so pretty anymore. I might still have some lantana blooming somewhere, but we’ll have to move...