Category Archives: Basketball

I Don’t Remember

How sad is it that these pictures were taken some time in December and I already can’t remember what happened? Pretty sad. I do know that he played a good bit in both games which was a nice change. I also know that this was one of our few home games, and I like our lighting...

Greyhounds Vs. Goula

We played Pascagoula at the first of the month, and honestly, I don’t remember whether he made this shot or not. I do remember that it was a close good game. Unfortunately, in the end, we lost by two. Good game, boys!

Greyhounds Vs. Warriors

The boys played a tournament in D’Iberville a couple weeks ago. It was a really exciting game. Christian did great.He was stealing balls,blocking shots,and getting some advice from the coach.I think he got a rebound here. He got fouled,and made one of his free throws. Nice job man!The whole game was really close, but the boys pulled...

First High School Basketball Game

The boys’ first game was in St. Martin last week. With all the changing coaches, and lack of communication, we are lucky we even know where to go. I’m sure it will be fine, but it has been a bit of a cluster. Luckily, the team was fine. They killed it. I don’t think the confusion bothered them...

Flashback Friday

Whatever happened to Flashback Fridays? We need to incorporate those back into our lives! Can you recognize this little cutie here? Yeah, me neither. Look at all that hair! I’m the tiniest bit surprised that they had color photos back when Scott was this age.I’m detecting a little resemblance here…I totally married the cutest guy...