Category Archives: Baseball

The Roadhounds Win ‘Em All

Well, the boys are on a roll. They played a tournament in Gulfport this weekend, and won every single game. Christian played right-center field, pitcher and catcher. He made some good plays and got some good hits, so it was a good day. All-Star practice started this week and will go all through next week...


Yes, you heard me correctly, CHAMPIONS! Ok, so there were only three teams in it, but they were some of our toughest teams! Our boys played two games this morning, in the rain, uphill both ways, may have seen some snow, ok, not really on the snow part, we are in south Mississippi for goodness...

Can’t Win ‘Em All

The Roadhounds had a bad day. We are playing in a tournament in Hurley, Mississippi. There are only two other teams in our age group, and today we got beat by both. Luckily, that only means that we are third seed. We have to play both teams tomorrow, which was likely either way. The first...

We’re Back!!!

Playing in baseball tournaments is HARD!! We went to Brandon, Mississippi this weekend with Christian’s travelling team, The Roadhounds. We stayed in a hotel with a bunch of friends, which I personally think was the highlight of the trip for my kids. MawMaw & PawPaw came and the boys got to take turns staying in...