Category Archives: Baseball

We are the Champions

I don’t know who was more excited about our winning the tournament undefeated, the kids or the coach! This could possibly be our last time on the baseball field, and the last trophy presentation, unless they fire up the pony league again. I may cry!If this was it, what a way to go out!Way to...

Marlins Post-Season Tournament

Once the Marlins found their bats, they couldn’t be stopped. Regular season ended with us in the middle of the pack, but then the post season double elimination tournament began. The boys could do no wrong.I think this smile says it all…

Marlins vs. Phillies

Jackson hit really well all season, but this is the game he just started killing it! We won 10 to 2! All the Marlins found their bats around the same time, it was contagious!

Marlins vs. Rays

Last week I scrambled to get all my baseball pictures from the season edited for all of our players, so I have an abundance of Marlin’s pics. Seriously, this could go on all week. Jackson said he called it in the picture below, but Jacob didn’t hear him. It all came down to height.They laughed about...