Category Archives: Baseball


Baseball is officially over for us this year. I know it’s wrong to say this, and it’s not that I don’t love to watch him play because I really do, but I am so okay with it. Our team faced plenty of setbacks. We lost 3 of our best players before the tournament even started....

I Thought We Were Done With Baseball

Well, I was wrong. Christian has had All-Star practice almost every night for the last week. The tournament starts after 4th of July. Thank goodness it’s going to be night games. While we may have missed some of the aspects of tournament ball this summer, we have never, not once, missed playing during the middle...

Room for My Peeps

Christian really liked the new porch furniture, except for one thing. We didn’t have a big table. Where would he eat lunch with his friends when they were over and still have enough room for his brother to horn in on their fun? So off we go, on my THIRD trip to Target. Remember how...


We played our last coach pitch tournament at Goldin Field in Gulfport this weekend. Here are a couple of Christian during the Championship Game. This one here, now this one is an important one. This is Colton scoring the winning run of the Championship Game, right after Kyle got the hit that drove him in....

Sorry, I Wasn’t Listening

I don’t know which thing epitomized him most, the baseball bat in his hand, or what the t-shirt said. If I had to guess, I’d have to go with the shirt. Not that it matters, but they are both pretty much dead on. Is it just me or is he getting absolutely huge, and more...