Category Archives: Baseball

Then and Now

Scott and I were looking at baseball pictures this morning and ran across this. Keep in mind these are pictures of pictures, and yes, all those specks are dust. Don’t judge. I can tell the difference of course. Christian outweighs Jackson by about 20 lbs, his hair is a little longer, and he has just...

Catching Up on all those Baseball Pictures

I told you I’d get around to all those baseball pictures from last week. I always love to get my man in his get ready to run stance. He is really serious about this. This boy is nothing if not determinedHe played 1st base,and he’s pretty serious about that, too.It all seems worth it to...

Last Regular Season Game

Christian just finished up his last regular season game.  Rumor has it that there is a tournament coming up in the next week or so, although I haven’t gotten the details on that yet. I took more pictures tonight, but baseball nights make me tired, so I’ll get back to you on that. I just...

Home Away from Home

Sometimes it feels like we spend most of our lives at a baseball field. I’m not complaining, truly, I love it, but are you sick of baseball pics yet? Not much I can do about it, just thought I’d ask. These are from Jackson’s game earlier in the week.He got a double. Lately he gets...

March Clean Sweep

I swear the months just fly by, don’t they? Time to clean out my March pictures. Jackson being his cute, sweet self,and showing off his loose tooth, that STILL hasn’t fallen out!Jackson making a play at first, although I’m not sure if it worked out….Cheering on his big brother at a White Sox game. He’s...