Category Archives: Baseball

A Little Baseball

If anyone was wondering where we were, we’ve been at the ball field! Momma gets a little nervous when he pitches, but he seems to be enjoying it.I think when we see this face, we know he’s gonna throw it HARD!If it’s a good inning, he comes off the field all smiles. If it’s not… well,...

Championship Game

The Royals played in the championship game Sunday. We lost the coin toss and were up first. They started off really strong. Jackson got on base, and did some stealing. He is sliding a little late, but we’ll figure that out.Then came the scary part. Jackson was pitching. He is a very good pitcher, but...

Now That Basketball is Over

Jackson decided that he wanted to play baseball again this year. I thought our baseball days were over! I’m just a little excited. He has to get back into it, but he’s already starting warming up that pitching arm.It seems to be going well.Now for the catching part…They may have to work a little more...

And the Tropy for Most Blood Goes to….

The Astro’s end of the season party was Saturday, and we had a great time. We may not win many games, but we ain’t ever lost a party! There was pizza, swimming, and my favorite part… they got their trophies. I love Scott’s trophy presentation. We’ve had everything over the years, from the best game...