Can You Dig It?

I swear Christian still lives here, but since school has started back, he’s not around as much. I haven’t been able to follow him around with the camera in almost two weeks. Jackson, on the other hand, has not started back to school. I’m still able to record his every move, I’m sure much to his dismay. 20080819_0383Scott did the most ridiculous thing the other day. He gave Jackson a big shovel, like, here, go and prosper. I walked out there and Jackson’s digging a hole, right in my front yard. Scott’s just standing there watching him with pride. “Hey baby, take a picture of that!” Uh, ok. Normally, Jackson would have a little trouble even breaking the surface, but it’s been raining here a lot, and the ground is really soft. He can do some real damage. So if you happen to be in the neighborhood and want to come over, just look for the house that looks like it’s doing some bomb testing. That’d be us.