Jackson is so proud of the new tattoo he got last night. He told me, no less than fifteen times, that he was wearing a short-sleeved shirt to school tomorrow so everyone could see it. Come to think of it, he’s been really talkative lately and fifteen times is probably a modest guess. Sometimes it seems like his mouth starts running the moment his eyes open in the morning and doesn’t stop until he closes them again that night. He’s upped the volume, too. There is no ignoring all the talking he is doing because it is now done at a volume that is impossible to tune out.
Don’t think that the talking stops when you are watching the news, or your favorite show, because it doesn’t. Don’t think that it stops when you shush him because you are on the phone or checking your email, because that doesn’t work either and usually results in a few minutes of puffed up pouting which subsides as soon as he thinks of something else he wants to tell you about. And don’t you dare think that it stops while you are in the bathroom, with the door closed and locked, because there is a little space between the door and the floor that he’s not afraid to lay in front of while poking fingers under and, oh yes, you guessed it, talk to you!!!
I wouldn’t trade it for the world.