We made it to the Air Show Sunday. It was a miracle, but we did. We had just eaten, and weren’t there 5 minutes before the kids found something they had to have. I ended up with one, too, and it was good, but still… 5 minutes? Really? Emmy Cake was the only one that would even look at me for a picture!
Now, for all those plane pictures.
I know they aren’t as close as they appear, but dang, these guys are CRAZY!
My sniper wasn’t on the roof in the same spot this year, but there was this guy keeping watch. He was lifting his finger right here to point at me. I’m pretty sure it was to tell me to stop pointing my camera that way. Christian kept asking me why I was taking his picture and would I please stop before I got shot. I did.
It really was awesome, but I tell ya, I questioned our sanity as we were standing under those planes doing crazy stuff above us. One wrong move, and we were toast. I’m watching from the boat next year, and don’t try to stop me!