Most days are busy. We are constantly doing something, whether it’s cleaning out the garage, running errands all over town, swimming until our fingers shrivel up, or playing hard all day long. Not today. Today was for sitting on butts. Sure there was some playing, and even a little swimming, but to be honest, that was only so we didn’t have to take baths tonight. Today, there was a lot of golf watching, Internet surfing, video game playing and couch potatoing going on. We were all just so tired. There were a zillion things to do before Jackson’s friends come over tomorrow, and I did manage a few of them. We just decided it would be much more fun if we scrambled around like butt-monkeys tomorrow trying to get it all done. I’m sure it will work out. I did manage to get a few shots of Christian playing outside with his brother. You can just look at that face and know it was a lazy day. I love summer.